vcasmoSWFLoaded When vcasmo.swf is loaded vcasmoUIReady When video_mc, slide_mc...etc is added to stage /*vcasmoVideoThumbnailLoadError(mc, errorStr, httpStatusNo) When thumbnail of video cannot load*/ vcasmoOnGetSeqData When result come from remoting videoSeqA (Use videoSeqA[0]) {ppt:1, slide:1, sec:1} vcasmoFirstPlay When the start playing button is clicked vcasmoOnMetaData When FLV metaData is get vcasmoPause When video is paused {hms:videoinfo_mc.timeno_mc.timeno, sec:curNSTime} no hms in html5 vcasmoResume When video is resume to play from paused {hms:videoinfo_mc.timeno_mc.timeno, sec:curNSTime} no hms in html5 vcasmoSeekVideo When user drag the controller bar to seek video {sec:1} vcasmoStop When video is stopped {hms:videoinfo_mc.timeno_mc.timeno, sec:curNSTime} no hms in html5 vcasmoSync When video trigger a slide to change / user click thumbnail to cause slide change {ppt:1, slide:1, sec:1} vcasmoSubtitle When a subtitle is shown {id:0, msg:string}